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list of countries that start with

Spectacular Countries that Start with S: List of 22 Countries …

Countries that Start with S African Countries that start with S. Get ready to explore the diverse and captivating world of African countries that start with S!. São Tomé and Principe: A hidden gem that is sure to captivate visitors with its beauty and rich history.Known for its lush landscapes, pristine beaches, and unique wildlife.

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Countries Alphabetical

In the list below, you can see all the countries in alphabetical order and how many countries exists for each alphabet (there are no countries that start with W or X): Countries that start with A-Z: 16 Countries that start with A

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Countries That Start With The Letter Y

Countries That Start With The Letter Y. Out of the world's 195 countries, there is only one whose name starts with the letter "Y." However, even though "Y" starts the name of only one country in English, this same sound (/j/ in IPA) is used in roughly 90% of all languages! Additionally, in English, the "Y" sound appears in about 2.11% of all words.

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List of countries in Europe

List of countries in Europe. Europe is a unique continent, which is not surrounded by water from all directions and has an overland border with neighboring Asia. Physiographically, it occupies the northwestern part of the large landmass known as Eurasia and surrounded from the north by the Arctic Ocean, from the west by the …

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Countries That Start With The Letter J

Countries That Start With The Letter J. Out of the world's 195 countries, there are only 3 whose names start with the letter "J." However, even though the sound "J" starts the names of only three …

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Countries That Start With The Letter S

Countries in Africa that Start with S Beautiful South Africa's Cape Town. Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, and Sudan all start with S in the African continent. Sao Tome and Principe is one country comprising two islands in the Gulf of Guinea along the equator.One of the …

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Countries alphabetically

We currently have 205 countries in our database, i.e. countries recognized by the UN and those not recognized internationally. By clicking on one of the letters below, you will access the list of countries starting with that letter. Each country has the most important and useful information about it.

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List Of All Countries That Start With 'D'

Countries That Start With 'D' This is a list of all the Countries That Start With 'D'. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is commonly known as North Korea but we listed it in this list of countries' name that starts with the letter 'D'.

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List of countries of the world in alphabetical order

Today, there are 197 countries in the world. Here you can see the most up-to-date alphabetical list of all countries from A to Z.

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List of Countries by Alphabets around the world

We currently have 205 countries in our database, i.e. countries recognized by the UN and those not recognized internationally. By clicking on one of the letters below, you will …

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A List of Countries that Start with the Letter C

Due to land disputes, conflicts and war the number of countries tend to change over time. Either through merger or division of countries and their land area. According to the United Nations there are currently 193 recognized countries. 195 if you include countries that are non-member, observer states.

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List of Countries of the World in Spanish

Alphabetical list of all countries in the world in English and Spanish. Lista alfabética de todos los países del mundo en inglés y español: English and Spanish country names as well as local names of countries. ... The landing of Columbus in the New World on 12 October 1492 was the beginning of the spread of the Spanish language. Painting ...

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Countries That Start With The Letter K

Countries That Start With The Letter K. Out of the world's 195 countries, there are only five whose names start with the letter "K." However, even though the sound "K" starts with the names of only three …

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Countries that Start with B: List of 19 Countries …

Countries that Start with B African Countries Beginning with B. Buckle up, we're taking a journey to discover African countries that start with B!. Benin: This West African country is known for its vibrant …

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22 Countries That Start with the Letter "M"

There are 18 recognized United Nations member countries* that start with the letter "M": # Country Name Emoji Flag UN Nation Alpha 3 Code Population (2022) Continent; 1: Madagascar:

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Countries Names

Discover All Countries – Explore Country Names, Continents, Populations, Areas, Spoken Languages, and Time Zones.

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Countries That Start With The Letter B

Countries That Start With The Letter B. The United Nations tells us there are 17 sovereign countries whose names start with the letter B. These countries are spread out all over the globe, from the sunny …

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Countries That Start With The Letter W

Final Thoughts . Since there are no sovereign states that start with the letter W, very few existing countries (or even places that loosely follow the definition of "country") begin with that letter, and with …

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List of Countries of the world in alphabetical order (A to Z)

It is a compilation of countries around the world, displaying each country's flag, name, capital city, and their respective ISO 3166 Alpha-2 codes. There are 248 countries in …

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Countries That Start With The Letter P

Countries That Start With The Letter P. Out of 195 countries, just a handful of them start with the letter "P" — only 10, in fact. However, these particular countries also start with two different "P" sounds: almost all of them begin with a /p/ like in "pot," while the country Philippines is pronounced with an /f/ like in "physics.". The …

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Countries That Start With The Letter E

Out of the eight countries that begin with the letter E, four are located in Africa, one in Asia, one in Europe, and one each in Central and South America. No country in North America starts with the letter E. Furthermore, settling on a name for a country is a decision that spans centuries. Then, that name might be spelled and pronounced with ...

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Countries That Start With The Letter T

Countries That Start With The Letter T. Out of the world's 195 countries, there are only 11 whose names start with the letter "T." However, even though the sound "T" starts the names of only 11 countries in English, this same sound is used in roughly 68% of all languages!. Additionally, in English, the "T" sound appears in about 9.10% of …

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List of Countries start with D Alphabet | Geo Countries

Countries that are starting with the Alphabet D. Find below the list of countries worldwide that begin with the letter D, including their ISO-3166 Alpha-2 and Alpha-3 country codes, along with their national flags. Explore a collection of countries that start with the letter D in this detailed list. Each country is accompanied by its ISO-3166 ...

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Countries That Start With The Letter I

The "I" sounds at the beginning of these countries' names are very common! In fact, they are used in 92% of over 3,000 languages and dialects spoken around the world, according to the linguists at Phoible. Also, did you know that in English, the letter "I" shows up in about 7.31% of all the words we use? That is something …

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Countries That Start With The Letter M

Countries That Start With The Letter M. Eighteen countries in the world have names that begin with the letter "M." Relative to the other 25 letters in the English alphabet, eighteen is fairly high; one could argue it is representative of the fact that the "m" sound is possibly the most common consonant sound in the world! Roughly 96% of all …

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22 Countries That Start with the Letter "C"

There are 17 recognized United Nations member countries* that start with the letter "C": # Country Name Emoji Flag UN Nation Alpha 3 Code Population (2022) Continent; 1: Cabo Verde:

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Countries That Start With The Letter R

Countries That Start With The Letter R. Out of the world's 195 countries, there are only three whose names start with the letter "R.": Romania, Russia, and Rwanda.However, even though the sound "R" is the first letter of the names of only three countries in English, this same sound is used in roughly 44% of all languages!

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A List of Countries that Start with the Letter B

Due to land disputes, conflicts and war the number of countries tend to change over time. Either through merger or division of countries and their land area. According to the United Nations there are currently 193 recognized countries. 195 if you include countries that are non-member, observer states.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

List of countries in Asia

List of countries in Asia. Being the biggest continent in the world, Asia includes 50 independent countries and occupies the eastern part of the single Eurasian landmass. Surrounded by the Arctic Ocean from the north, by the Pacific Ocean from the east and by the Indian Ocean from the south, it is separated from Africa by Suez Canal.

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Spectacular Countries that Start with S: List of 22 Countries Beginning

S is for Spectacular: The Amazing World of Countries that Start with S. The countries beginning with the letter "S" are a genuine treasure trove of adventure, culture, and natural beauty. From the rolling hills of Europe to the pristine beaches of the Pacific, these countries have something for everyone.

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