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silica magnese slag used in concrete as aggregate in Oman

Properties of pervious concrete with steel slag as aggregates …

A P·II 52.5R Portland cement (OPC) was used. The chemical compositions, physical properties, and particle size distribution are given in Table 1, Table 2, and Fig. 1, respectively.The ground blast furnace slag (GBFS), the fly ash (FA), and the silica fume (SF) were used to partially replace OPC.

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Utilisation of silica fume & steel slag in concrete as a …

In This paper an evaluation of steel slag aggregate in concrete with and without adding silica fume in comparison with the conventional natural aggregate concrete. Hardened concrete consist of more than 70% aggregate due to the high demand in building construction and the increase of demand of the

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Slag Aggregate

Nomenclature and Terminology. James G. Speight PhD, DSC, in Asphalt Materials Science and Technology, 2016 Slag. Slag aggregates are obtained by crushing of smelter slag or by special treatment of fire-liquid slag melt (molten slag aggregates). Currently there are many types of concrete that are developed and used in construction that …

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Curing period (Days) Fig. 2: Tensile strength variation with curing periods for 20MPa % 7days 14 days 28 50 days 90 days 180 days 0% 22.1 29.65 33.87 38.55 42.87 10% 20.5 27.44 31.53 40.47 43.33

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Roles of Silica Fume, Slag, and Fly Ash in the Development …

Keywords: admixtures; aggregates; calcium oxides; C-S-H; fly ash; high-performance concretes; hydration; microstructure; pastes; silica fume; slags; Materials Research. DOI: 10.14359/4093. Date: 10/1/1994. Abstract: The combined use of chemical and mineral admixtures has resulted in a new generation of concrete called high …

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A review on characteristics of silico-manganese slag and its

This paper reviews the potential use of silico-manganese slag (SiMnS) as binder and aggregate in Portland cement and geopolymer concrete. SiMnS is a byproduct of alloy steel production.

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Exploring the Potential of Copper Slag and Quartz as Fine Aggregate …

Widely used in sandblasting and abrasive tool manufacturing due to its hardness, density, and low free silica content, copper slag is finding favor as a filler material in the building industry. Every ton of copper production generates 2.2–3.0 tons of copper slag. ... which are suitable for use as a fine aggregate in concrete.

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production. The utilization of slag as aggregate will reduce the necessity for aggregate, energy required and pollutant emissions during mining, processing, and transportation of materials. Investigations on the use of furnace slag as coarse …

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Properties of silicon manganese slag as an aggregate for …

SiMn slag, a nonferrous metal, is generated in the smelting of SiMn, and has a high Si-based oxide content and low Fe-based oxide content. Frias et al. reported that the fine powder of SiMn slag is appropriate for the use as an aggregate in concrete because it increases volumetric …

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Mechanical and microstructural characterization of recycled aggregate

The present study correlates the mechanical properties with parameters of the interfacial transition zone (ITZ) of concrete made with recycled aggregates and nano-silica. Compressive and tensile strength of normal concrete and recycled aggregate concrete incorporating 0 and 3% nano-silica is determined.

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Strength and Durability Performance of Recycled Aggregate …

AbstractThe present study illustrates the susceptibility of optimized-quality recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) to supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs), such as silica fume (SF), ground granulated blast slag (GGBS), and mechanically produced ...Practical ApplicationsAbout 20% to 30% of recycled fines (M-Fines) below …

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Copper slag as fine aggregate for high performance …

Little research work has been conducted to investigate the potential use of copper slag as fine aggregate on the properties of normal concrete. Akihiko and Takashi [3] investigated the use of slag from copper smelting as a fine aggregate in concrete. From mortar strength tests with a cement/slag/water ratio of 1/2/0.55, the ball milled slag ...

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SP-079: Fly Ash, Silica Fume, Slag and Other Mineral By-Products …

- Pumpability of Blast-Furnace Slag Aggregate Concrete, by . Hideo Kasami, Tadashi Ikeda, Shinichi Numata, and Hisamitsu . Harada - Use of Fly Ash, Blast-Furnace Slag and Condensed Silica Fume . for Concrete Block Stripped Immediately After Molding, by . Kiyoshi Kohno, Katsunori Horii, and Hiroo Fukushima. ERRATA INFO

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A review on characteristics of silico-manganese slag and its

This paper reviews the potential use of silico-manganese slag (SiMnS) as binder and aggregate in Portland cement and geopolymer concrete. SiMnS is a byproduct of alloy steel production. Depending on the process of solidification, the slag is available in crystalline hard stone type and granulated glassy form.

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Replacement of Fine Aggregate with Copper Slag in Concrete …

Sharma R, Khan RA (2017) Durability assessment of self-compacting concrete incorporating copper slag as fine aggregates. Constr Build Mater 155:617–629. Article Google Scholar Gong W, Ueda T (2018) Properties of self-compacting concrete containing copper slag aggregate after heating up to 400 C. Struct Concr …

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Use of Industrial Silica Sand as a Fine Aggregate …

Industrial silica sand is a by-product obtained from the industries like paint, paper, rubber etc. It has a similar property with river sand and& M sand. This study explores the effect of high content of …

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Effect of silica fume and recycled concrete aggregate on …

The objective of this study is to develop ground granulated blast furnace slag based geopolymer composite by replacing 60% slag with silica fume. Both slag and silica fume are aluminosilicates ...

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Compressive Strength, Permeability, and Abrasion Resistance …

Extensive use of cement in the construction industry increases CO2 emissions and has a negative impact on the environment. In this work, recycled coarse aggregate (RCA) from construction and demolition wastes (C&DW) was used to fabricate sustainable pervious concrete (PC). In order to mitigate the environmental hazards of …

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Revealing the effect mechanism of calcareous aggregate and silica …

The emergence of concrete represents the best use of rocks in construction materials [4]. Concrete is the world's most widely used artificial material. In 2022, China produced 3.293 billion cubic meters of commercial concrete [5]. The mass ratio of aggregate in concrete is more than 75% [6], and the volume ratio is more than 70% [7]. …

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Orthogonal experimental design for compressive strength of …

A constant water-cement ratio of 0.45 and a 50% mass replacement of natural coarse aggregate (NCA) by recycled coarse aggregate (RCA) were adopted in the experiment, and the mass replacement ratios of silica fume (SF), slag (SG), and fly ash (FA) for ordinary Portland cement (OPC) were used as the test variables.

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Fly ash, GGBS, and silica fume based geopolymer concrete …

1. Introduction. The global construction industry is estimated to be responsible for 37 % of the total carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions, out of which production of building materials such as cement, steel, aluminum, bricks, glass, aggregates, etc., represented 9 % (≈ 3.5 Gt CO 2) of the global emissions [1].Especially, Portland cement …

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Shrinkage and Creep of Sustainable Self-Compacting Concrete …

Request PDF | On Sep 1, 2022, Daqiang Qin and others published Shrinkage and Creep of Sustainable Self-Compacting Concrete with Recycled Concrete Aggregates, Fly Ash, Slag, and Silica Fume | Find ...

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Behaviour of Silico Manganese Slag Manufactured Aggregate as Material

The paper discusses prominent experimental investigations on Silico Mangenese Slag as non-conventional or manufactured aggregate being investigated as Material for Road and Rail Track Construction. The tests were carried out to determine its suitability as an aggregate in various construction fields.

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Experimental study on partial replacement of fine aggregate by silica

Thesubstitution of river sand M sand can be used. The strength gain can be improvised by adding some by - products or waste materials from industries which also becomes a part of green concrete. In this research, silica sand and copper slag are being replaced separately with M sand for fine aggregate with a ratio of 10% and 15%.

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Synergistic Roles of Slag and Silica Fume in Very High-Strength Concrete

A very high-strength concrete (W/C = 0.20) containing 10% silica fume, 30% slag replacement for cement, and a high-range water-reducing admixture attained a compressive strength of 94 MPa at 28 days.The microstructural development of this concrete was studied from 1 to 28 days with SEM/EDXA and TEM. The slag used was …

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Effect of silica fume and recycled concrete aggregate on the mechanical

In this study, GGBS and silica fume were used as raw materials in the production of geopolymer concrete. Table 1 shows the chemical composition of slag and silica fume materials. The particular surface spaces of slag and silica fume were 450 and 18660 m 2 /kg, individually, and their regular molecule sizes were 17.90and 0.15 μm …

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The effect of Colloidal Nano-silica on workability, …

An analysis index was used to assess compressive strength, and a statistical method was used to establish a mix proportion design theory of copper slag aggregate concrete. The analysis was used to ...

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Low Carbon Recycled Aggregate Concrete: Roles of Slag and Silica …

Regarding the use of GGBS and silica fume as a combined binder in a concrete mix, the result from the study conducted by Mouna, Batikha and Suryanto [34] indicates that the compressive strength at ...

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Effect of Chemical Treatment on Silicon Manganese: Its

The effect of chemical treatment on silicon manganese slag and the effect of curing time on the compressive strength of completely replacement coarse aggregate silicon manganese concrete (SMC) relative to normal weight concrete (NWC) with gravel …

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Guide for the Use of Silica Fume in Concrete

7.5—Specifying silica-fume concrete Chapter 8—Proportioning silica-fume concrete mixtures, p. 234R-41 8.1—General 8.2—Cement and silica fume content 8.3—Water content 8.4—Aggregate 8.5—Chemical admixtures 8.6—Proportioning 8.7—Ternary mixtures Chapter 9—Working with silica fume in field concrete, p. 234R-45

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